Vicentemundim's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,01531,969backbone-nested-attributesAdd nested attributes to your Backbone models
218,660121,991mongoid_query_string_interfaceGives a method that can parse query string parameters into a set of criterias that Mong...
321,813121,991mugshotThe basic idea of Mugshot is that you upload the largest/highest quality images possibl...
421,98925,054ruguiRuGUI is a framework which aims to help building desktop applications. RuGUI was mostly...
528,72029,154smartgenSmartgen generates static HTML files from markup files, using textile or markdown, and ...
634,240121,991query_string_interfaceThis gem extracts params given as a hash to structured data, that can be used when crea...
760,499121,991massiveParallelize processing of large files and/or data using Resque, Redis and MongoDB
874,049121,991file_processorA more powerful CSV file processor
977,58962,344dyno_scalerScale your dyno workers on Heroku as needed
1091,49272,978smartgen_syntaxhighlighterUse Syntax Highlighter plugin when generating files with smartgen
1198,16172,978smartgen_action_viewThis gem gives you all the power of ActionView when rendering files in smartgen, such a...
12111,33789,964restforce-bulkClient for Salesforce Bulk API
13119,387121,991gutkumberGutkumber adds support to running cucumber tests for Ruby-Gnome 2 applications
14142,109121,991mongoid_cloneableProvides improved cloning features for Mongoid