1 | 27,515 | 63,432 | one-eye-eater | Create, read, update, and destroy Edmodo data via the One Eye API. |
2 | 34,566 | 16,639 | selfiegram | Take mad selfies! |
3 | 44,139 | 16,639 | historiographer | Append-only histories + chained snapshots of your ActiveRecord tables |
4 | 61,195 | 63,432 | badslava2csv | Import Badslava events to Google Calendar |
5 | 63,962 | 63,432 | hublot | Humanizes datetime for Active Record objects. |
6 | 88,345 | 63,432 | far | Recursively find and replace in your current directory. |
7 | 118,821 | 30,305 | rostruct | Convert hashes within hashes to open structs. |
8 | 124,447 | 30,305 | glue_gun_dsl | GlueGun makes dependency injection and hydration a first-order concern |
9 | 152,958 | 63,432 | gary | The Garylang interpreter executes Garylang programs. What to do? |
10 | 155,177 | 63,432 | instaguard | Provide a default Guardfile, but let each of your developers use custom Guard configura... |
11 | 158,934 | 63,432 | badslava_import | Import Badslava events to Google Calendar |
12 | 176,773 | 63,432 | wandb | Log model runs to Weights & Biases |
13 | 180,614 | 30,305 | easy_ml | High level plug-and-play interface for composing Machine Learning applications |