Maxd's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,4032,530less-railsThe dynamic stylesheet language for the Rails asset pipeline. Allows other gems to exte...
23,77910,695less-rails-bootstrapCSS toolkit from Twitter For Rails 3.1+ Asset Pipeline. Best one of all!
37,6216,033jcrop-rails-v2Jcrop asset bundle for Rails
49,39885,863less-rails-semantic_uiThis is a gem for Rails with Semantic UI assets inside.
520,57722,635write_xlsx_railsxlsx renderer for Rails base on write_xlsx gem
622,18949,460fake_email_validatorE-Mail validator for block services like,, etc. during new u...
765,83485,863temp-mailRuby client to API
8130,62538,253graphql-dslRuby DSL for GraphQL
9139,21485,863jquery_nice_file_input_railsjQuery-Nice-File-Input asset bundle for Rails