Pragtob's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
199111simplecovCode coverage for Ruby with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of c...
2101110simplecov-htmlDefault HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 2.4+
3237135simplecov_json_formatterJSON formatter for SimpleCov
47,6345,998after_doafter_do is a gem that let's you execute a block of your choice after or before a speci...
514,24019,502swtContains everything required to write cross-platform desktop applications with JRuby an...
621,6339,587shoesShoes is the best little GUI toolkit for Ruby. This gem is currently a placeholder unti...
724,76430,732furoshikiCreate .app, .exe, and $LINUX_PACKAGE versions of your application, with its own embedd...
837,77411,277shoes-swtA JRuby and Swt backend for Shoes, the best little GUI toolkit for Ruby. Shoes makes bu...
939,67911,277shoes-coreShoes is the best little GUI toolkit for Ruby. Shoes makes building for Mac, Windows, a...
1040,90111,277shoes-packageApplication packaging for Shoes, the best little GUI toolkit for Ruby. Shoes makes buil...
1155,45019,502shoes-highlighterA syntax highlighting library used by Shoes. Originally extracted from Hackety-Hack.
1259,97519,502shoes-manualContent and loading classes for the Shoes manual
13114,12230,732wingtipsPut your best foot forward, present with Shoes!
14119,08757,505rubykonAn AI to play Go using Monte Carlo Tree Search. Currently includes the mcts gem and ben...
15160,34322,984shoes-dslShoes is the best little GUI toolkit for Ruby. Shoes makes building for Mac, Windows, a...