Monkstone's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,83510,224jruby_artJRubyArt-2.5.0+ is a ruby implementation of the processing art framework, with enhanced...
214,81342,025ruby-processingRuby-Processing is a ruby wrapper for the processing-2.0 art framework. This version ...
315,98923,626propaneA batteries included version of processing in ruby targetting jdk11+.
423,75586,038picrateA batteries included version of processing in ruby, for raspberrypi and linux. Install ...
529,83686,038pbox2d"An exemplar for making java libraries available as a gem, for use in JRubyArt /propane...
637,73186,038toxiclibsToxiclibs java libraries wrapped in a rubygem. Compiled and tested with JRubyArt-2.4 an...
746,33986,038cf3A library for JRubyArt, that allows the writing of context free sketches (like cont...
850,33553,556arcballA ArcBall in java for propane and PiCrate
951,25020,749ruby_wordcramWordCram library wrapped in a rubygem. Compiled and tested with JRubyArt-2.5.8
1052,39086,038geomerativeGeomerative java library wrapped in a rubygem. Updated to use String switch etc avail...
1174,17926,609math_demoGeomerative art using the ruby Matrix class to generate circumcircles around triangle...
1275,32126,609joonsrendererA realistic ray tracer for propane and JRubyArt