Meganemura's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,6334,449apartmentApartment allows Rack applications to deal with database multitenancy through ActiveRecord
24,1646,068apartment-sidekiqEnable Multi-tenant supported jobs to work with Sidekiq background worker
37,1877,171db_schema_checkerCheck the consistency of generated schema.rb
49,97640,310compathCompath generates a guide of directory structure in the project
544,53718,879ignored_removed_columnsFind removed or typo columns defined in ignored_columns
645,75227,598ruby-dmmClient for the DMM Web Service API v3.0.
776,55640,310motion-template-spritekitSpriteKit project templates for RubyMotion (iOS/OSX)
881,98140,310slocA tool for counting source lines of code
985,71240,310tuneesSimple iTunes controller via JXA (JavaScript for Automation)
1086,28540,310fluent-plugin-midiMIDI Input/Output plugin for Fluentd event collector
1195,44240,310upstreamerAdd `upstream` remote-tracking branch to your forked repository by tracking GitHub.
1296,05740,310codestatusFind out a build status for packages in any languages
1398,54340,310string_with_unitAdd Integer#to_string_with_unit to easily express a number with singular/plural unit
14107,79340,310envryoEvernote various events notifier via Yo.
15111,60840,310prefixed_delegationEnhance delegate method by prefixed option
16118,65540,310ruboty-line_botLINE BOT API adapter for Ruboty.
17132,81540,310faraday_middleware-openapiFaraday middleware for validation by OpenAPI
18152,04927,598execjs-runtimes-jxaExecJS Runtime for JXA (JavaScript for Automation)
19155,19840,310rspec-git_specifierDefine RSpec helper methods to test against git repository (commits, branches, etc).
20161,79640,310object_to_graphqlGraphQL Query generator from Ruby object structure
21163,25440,310pdigThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
22164,68827,598packaryThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
23165,40127,598packagistThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
24168,50440,310ghost_schemaImprove development experience of rollbacking Rails missing migrations
25170,27140,310method_publisherMake private methods public