Kuldeepaggarwal's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
154,80663,432logger_extensionA utility for logging on multiple files for rack applications
294,81963,432arel_extensionExtension of Arel Gem.
398,35541,916translator_with_localeappFlexible syncronization solution of locales with LocaleApp.
4108,79263,432stripper-railsAn utility which provides a class method `strip_fields`. It accepts list of fields and ...
5136,04641,916delayed_job_bugsnagPlugin for integration BugSnag with DelayedJob.
6142,88541,916dino-apiThis gem fetches data from DINO api.
7157,16963,432json_token_authenticationWrite a longer description or delete this line
8157,39563,432performance_analyzerThis Gem helps to analyse memory and time execution
9158,03063,432mongo-helpersIt adds helper methods in Mongo.