Neonlightmonkey's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
132,99230,732restspecRSpec macros, helpers and matchers to work with APIs
244,21857,505push_to_snsOrganized SNS Push Notifications for Ruby.
353,76157,505dialersApi Wrappers for Ruby
464,71457,505rails-newA Rails template installation command.
573,59257,505ubigeo_railsA ubigeo wrapper
6107,87857,505restspec-railsIntegration between Restspec and Rails
7131,34057,505activemodel_detailed_errorserrors.details from Rails 5 for Rails 4 people.
8139,44557,505guglA wrapper to use google services programmatically, using your google crdedentials, star...
9144,16157,505ursaUrsa generates Applescript from Ruby Code allowing you to automate many things in your ...
10146,07557,505the_torrent_searcherI love puppies. I love Alfred. So now you can search for suggestions from w...
11147,20730,732save_the_monthDsl to set expectations of the incomings and outcoming of this month's salary
12153,54357,505monkey-gunOpinionated organization of projects