Richardvenneman's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,87163,432trestle-active_storageActiveStorage integration plugin for the Trestle admin framework.
29,4527,689emoji_flagReturns the emoji flag for an ISO 639-1 language code or LCID.
329,05363,432social-urlA simple gem to generate social sharing links for your messages. Sup...
440,09963,432trestle-mobilityMobility integration plugin for the Trestle admin framework
550,05630,305duration-formatterA simple gem to parse minutes into a readable format using ruby-dura...
654,59263,432instagrammerInstagrammer lets you fetch Instagram user info and posts
764,18163,432zwemwaterA simple gem to get swimming water status from recognized Dutch swimming spots.
871,96063,432tiqetsRuby Tiqets API wrapper.
984,56963,432cache_with_settingsConfigure any values such as the application locale to be part of Rails fragment cachin...
1085,65219,893rails_admin_json_translatejson_translate tabbed interface and custom field type for rails_admin.