Danso's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,98063,432active_record_content_blobLoading up TEXT/BLOB columns can be slow
235,60463,432aggtive_recordThis is not even remotely finished or even started on. Please don't download.
336,65663,432cacheable_delegatorCreate a cache model for your active records
466,20963,432yearbookEasy face-cropping
590,22063,432active_scraperA Rails Engine using ActiveRecord to cache results of HTTP scrapes
6109,58763,432spodunkSpodunk stands for "spreadsheet" + "podunk"
7118,66963,432active_baconImplementing pathfinding for Rails records
8119,19663,432active_record_snapshotFor data records that only need to be partially updated, this provides versioning for d...
9142,53063,432mappable_object_attributesUsing the power of Hashie::Mash to define how a record consumes external data into defi...
10143,19963,432number_to_loveA wrapper around number_to_human
11170,06363,432jekyll-bootstrap-starterA Jekyll theme that uses the latest Bootstrap and standard grid