Rainforest's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,6487,565queue_classicqueue_classic is a queueing library for Ruby apps. (Rails, Sinatra, Etc...) queue_class...
27,1457,385http-exceptionsAn easy way to rescue exceptions that might be thrown by your Http library
310,26861,367rainforest-cliCommand line utility for Rainforest QA
411,10623,402wisp-schemaThis gem contains Wisp's JSON schema definition
511,54561,367rainforest_authSigns / Authenticates messages
612,63961,367get_envRead values from ENV in a reasonable way
712,83961,367rainforestRainforest automates your functional and integration testing with our QA-as-a-Service API.
815,12041,086rf-stylezConfigurations for Rubocop and other style enforcers/linters
915,26361,367queue_classic_matchersRSpec Matchers and helpers for QueueClassicPlus
1015,64961,367queue_classic_plusUseful extras for Queue Classic
1123,71441,086queue_classic_adminAn admin interface for QueueClassic
1229,99161,367circlematorA few utilities for CircleCI to improve your CI workflow.
1331,93223,402omniauth-protectProtects your Rails app from Omniauth request phase CSRF vulnerability.
1443,78261,367pronto-commentatorA simple runner for Pronto that adds pre-defined comments based on which files have cha...
1578,87561,367qc-mailerRails plugin for sending asynchronous email with ActionMailer and QueueClassic.
1691,47761,367rainforest_ruby_runtimeRainforest Ruby Runtime
17110,70161,367arpRetrieve the content of the ARP cache
18151,98861,367rake-multipleRun a rake task in multiple processes.