Akerl's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,51815,664pkgforgeDSL engine for building Arch packages
215,05822,984dock0Generates a read-only Arch host for running Docker containers
315,48210,374octoauthLightweight wrapper to sanely handle OAuth tokens with Octokit
416,37819,502hssRegex-based SSH shortcut tool
516,75917,200targitManages GitHub release assets for pushing binaries and other large files
617,68122,984cymbalAllows saner hash key manipulation by converting keys to symbols
717,89022,984basiccacheAllows an application to dynamically cache values and retrieve them later
818,27719,502githubstatsPulls the statistics from Github's user contribution chart and provides an interface fo...
921,1568,917s3repoSimple library for interacting with Archlinux repos in S3
1021,50730,732prospectusTool and DSL for checking expected vs actual state
1122,89930,732githubchartUses GithubStats to grab Github contributions scores and converts that into an SVG
1223,22411,277userinputProvides a prompt object for requesting user input
1325,15630,732gemplateCreates a basic repository layout for a new gem
1426,5099,587goodcopSane defaults for rubocop
1526,75157,505menagerieThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
1630,70422,984linodeapiWraps the Linode API with multiple levels of interaction
1733,21822,984spaartiMaintain local clones of repos you have access to on GitHub
1837,97630,732meldUtility library for combining objects
1940,02830,732linodiansLibrary for viewing public Linode employee data
2041,44730,732svgplotRuby interface for creating SVG images
2147,41557,505prospectus_circleciProspectus helpers for circleci
2247,80330,732prospectus_pkgforgeProspectus helpers for pkgforge
2347,90422,984prospectus_dockerhubProspectus helpers for docker hub
2447,92330,732prospectus_gemsProspectus helpers for gemspecs
2548,03522,984burglarTool for parsing data from bank websites
2650,59657,505keylimeSimple wrapper for using Mac Keychain
2754,63657,505redisstoreStores cached values in Redis
2857,38757,505prospectus_travisProspectus helpers for TravisCI
2957,82430,732libledgerLibrary for interacting with Ledger files
3058,68022,984logcabinSupport dynamic loading of modules at runtime
3160,25230,732ballistaProjection tool for Ledger format
3264,07322,984prospectus_puppetProspectus helpers for puppet
3366,75957,505prospectus_golangProspectus helpers for golang
3469,83057,505prospectus_terraformProspectus helpers for Terraform
3571,76230,732herokuconfConfigure local environment based on Heroku config variables
3674,82357,505jekyll_prismThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
3785,69057,505prospectus_repotimerProspectus helpers for checking repo staleness
3889,19757,505hammerstoreStores cached values in Hammerspace
3993,57557,505pdk-akerlA CLI to facilitate easy, unified development workflows for Puppet modules.
4098,96957,505limpRead Slack tokens from Chrome LocalStorage
41109,53357,505circularThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
42112,72557,505taskitThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
43116,68530,732boxen-halyardManage Mac development boxes with love (and Puppet).
44120,75257,505gh-akerlmulti-layer client for the github api v3
45123,88657,505travis-akerlCLI and Ruby client library for Travis CI
46131,97857,505speculateTool for assuming roles in AWS accounts
47139,71930,732hammerspace-forkA convenient place to store giant hammers
48141,25457,505unabridgedScraper for historical GitHub contribution data
49143,94957,505tabletThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
50147,33530,732boxenprofilerProfiler for boxen
51148,25522,984memegen-ngGenerates meme images using imagemagick
52148,82357,505lazarusHandles GPG-encrypted bundles of sensitive data
53148,85357,505skipperLibrary for orchestrating Docker containers
54149,83857,505onetimedownloadSimple tool for serving a file to a single recipient
55151,45857,505subpubMetatool for acting on input
56153,37657,505puppet-lint-halyardChecks your Puppet manifests against the Puppetlabs style guide and alerts you to any...
57155,26857,505halyard-puppet-lintChecks your Puppet manifests against the Puppetlabs style guide and alerts you to any...
58155,58057,505rancherManage short-lived Linodes for testing
59156,91357,505disseverSimple library for multiprocessing tasks
60157,50130,732archpackagerDSL engine for building Arch packages
61162,85357,505gitlab-akerlRuby client and CLI for GitLab API
62173,77357,505akerl-r10kR10K provides a general purpose toolset for deploying Puppet environments and modules. ...
63175,14557,505webullAccess the Webull API