Waterlink's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,6701,683rspec-json_expectationsSet of matchers and helpers to allow you test your APIs responses like a pro.
23,3063,319rack-reverse-proxyA Rack based reverse proxy for basic needs. Useful for testing or in cases where webser...
334,99657,843restricted_structThis gem allows to use ruby's Struct, but automatically hides all the attributes as pri...
435,78357,843contracts-noopAllows usage of [contracts.ruby](https://github.com/egonSchiele/contracts.ruby) in gems...
536,37057,843confident_rubyGem contains useful abstractions for eliminating most condition and switch smells, trea...
651,30920,780aopThin and fast framework for Aspect Oriented Programming in Ruby.
763,35757,843likesGive it a list of people and their likings and it will tell what else could these peopl...
871,31736,705ar_left_over_guardianActive Record Left Over Guardian. Meant to be run after each test. Fails your test suit...
981,69057,843git-atAllows to make a commit at any point of time.
1090,18157,843meSmall tool for switching common identities (ssh keys, git config, etc)
11103,20557,843gitroomSimplest git server with permissions
12105,29157,843deploy-codeUsed to deploy your apps from git easily. Highly customizable.
13111,92557,843visionarySimple futures implementation in ruby.
14116,08957,843store2Persistence in YAML files, yay!
15141,72657,843deploy-code-modules-laravelLaravel module for deploy-code.
16142,47536,705deploy-code-modules-kratosdeploy-code module for kratos integration.
17153,32357,843waterubyInteresting twist of ruby language: YAML contains fragments of ruby, that can be compos...
18153,85857,843contracts-non_intrusiveThis gem allows you to use static/dynamic analyzer tools together with contracts.ruby. ...
19155,24757,843return_spySpies all return values from functions, allows to set up expectations on them. Used maj...