Apiology's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,92438,253qualityQuality is a tool that runs quality checks on your code using community tools, and make...
210,94514,633source_finderSourceFinder finds source and documentation files within a project.
311,65217,015bigfilesFinds largest source files in a project
411,95823,617punchlistpunchlist lists your annotation comments--things like 'LATER/HACK/FIXIT'
513,6396,836checkoffCommand-line and gem client for Asana (unofficial)
633,42022,635high_water_markMaintains a directory of high water mark metrics for quality tools - used by https://gi...
754,95329,768containerciRakefile toolkit for creating automated builds for Docker containers.
879,15829,768pronto-bigfilesPerforms incremental quality reporting for the bigfiles gem. BigFiles is a simple tool ...
980,39485,863freezerwatchWraps the npm module 'freezerwatch' as an executable
1083,32429,768pronto-punchlistPerforms incremental quality reporting for the punchlist gem. Punchlist reports on comm...