Kobaltz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,7033,720clambyClamby allows users to scan files uploaded with Paperclip or Carrierwave. If a file has...
217,0334,436swot-rubyIdentify email addresses or domains names that belong to colleges or universities. Help...
325,91561,367rotorRuby Gem for controlling Bipolar and Unipolar Stepper Motors
464,77119,101action_authUsing the built in features of Rails, ActionAuth provides a simple way to authorize use...
564,83529,456omniauth-sage_impactSageImpact OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth
674,60561,367limesurveyLimeSurvey API to communicate with the JSONPRC RemoteControl2
798,40911,682mission_control-serversDashboard for managing servers.
8164,41661,367simple_bindData Binding for HTML Inputs and components in Rails
9164,58861,367leftpadThis gem is forever.
10173,73561,367streamdeckUnofficial Ruby SDK for Elgato Stream Deck