1 | 1,975 | 2,045 | active_link_to | Helpful method when you need to add some logic that figures out if the link (or more of... |
2 | 4,346 | 14,878 | comfortable_mexican_sofa | ComfortableMexicanSofa is a powerful Rails 5.2+ CMS Engine |
3 | 8,171 | 29,595 | postageapp | PostageApp Library for Ruby and Ruby on Rails applications |
4 | 8,202 | 7,489 | comfy_bootstrap_form | bootstrap_form is a Rails form builder that automatically wraps form elements in Bootst... |
5 | 11,421 | 13,496 | konf | minimalistic configuration reader |
6 | 12,748 | 53,348 | formatted_form | Rails form helper the generates Bootstrap 2 markup |
7 | 14,212 | 53,348 | comfy_blog | Simple Blog Engine for ComfortableMexicanSofa |
8 | 21,258 | 17,042 | letmein | minimalistic authentication |
9 | 25,891 | 33,975 | api_docs | Generate API documentation using integration tests in Ruby on Rails |
10 | 46,234 | 45,802 | sofa_gallery | SofaGallery is an image gallery engine for Rails 3.1 apps (and ComfortableMexicanSofa) |
11 | 58,635 | 39,523 | comfy_gallery | ComfyGallery is an image gallery engine for Rails 3.1 apps (and ComfortableMexicanSofa) |
12 | 59,522 | 45,802 | comfy_carousel | ComfyCarousel is a carousel engine for Rails 3.1+ apps (and ComfortableMexicanSofa) |
13 | 76,230 | 26,412 | delayed_job_progress | Ability to track jobs against ActiveRecord objects |
14 | 78,514 | 65,500 | acts_as_localized | A gem that adds simple mechanism to deal with localization of Active Record models |
15 | 78,688 | 33,975 | test_battery | Collection of generators and test helpers |
16 | 97,868 | 29,595 | liquid_tag_with_params | Tag class for Liquid markup that supports extra params |
17 | 113,765 | 53,348 | ar_attribute_serializer | Attribute serializer for AR models |
18 | 123,630 | 65,500 | comfy_form_builder | Simple FormBuilder |