Andreimaxim's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,59710,923guard-unicornGuard plug-in that allows you to restart Unicorn
218,73015,872starlingStarling is a light-weight, persistent queue server that speaks the memcached protocol....
377,55797,699metabridgeGet logcat output from a remote Android tablet using adb commands.
481,48897,699active_metricsMetrics based on ActiveSupport::Notifications
597,61820,946talkbirdUnofficial gem for the SendBird API
6101,22897,699roguSimple and thread-safe logging library for Heroku projects
7142,33397,699hajHighly-Advanced Jedis client for Ruby
8157,27053,223relaxed_cookiejarRelaxed options for CookieJar
9161,38836,605pahopaho-rb is a Ruby MQTT client that uses native bindings to the Eclipse Paho compone...
10167,05097,699rollbar-modeAdd a Rollbar minor mode to your environment
11170,13997,699claimRack authentication for JWT-based APIs
12172,50997,699huginnHuginn (from Old Norse "thought") is a high-performance Ruby MQTT client written us...
13179,44328,615streamforceSmall wrapper over the Salesforce Streaming API