Ttscoff's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,4425,245doingA tool for managing a TaskPaper-like file of recent activites. Perfect for the late-nig...
29,8439,709mdlessA CLI that provides a formatted and highlighted view of Markdown files in a terminal
326,20611,877naA tool for managing a TaskPaper file of project todos for the current directory. Easily...
432,57063,432howzitCommand line project documentation and task runner
543,11963,432jtagAuto-tagging and tagging tools for Jekyll
645,74363,432bunchcliA CLI for use with (macOS)
746,03863,432hookappA CLI for (macOS)
874,96463,432snibbetsA plain text code snippet manager
977,03530,305journal-cliA CLI for journaling to structured data, Markdown, and Day One
1077,09863,432notehubA description of your project
1188,98263,432otaskA CLI for OmniFocus task entry with natural language syntax and fuzzy project/context m...
1298,14530,305marked-conductorConductor allows easy configuration of multiple scriptswhich are run as custom pre/proc...
13132,8557,217searchlinkmacOS System Service for inline web searches
14136,02941,916curlyqA CLI helper for curl and web scraping
15167,94722,084doing-plugin-twitter-importImports entries from the Twitter timeline to Doing
16176,24763,432planter-cliPlant a file and directory structure
17177,99925,458doing-plugin-capture-thing-importImports entries from the Capture Thing folder
18178,55763,432binbundleEasily take a snapshot of all binaries installed with Gem and restore on a fresh system.
19180,91841,916regexrx2mdConvert RegExRX file to Markdown