1 | 53,159 | 66,923 | norseal-api | This middleware uses Her & Faraday for consuming the Norseal Api |
2 | 68,355 | 66,923 | bannable | Easily set ActiveRecord models as banned. Designed to work like the hideable gem. |
3 | 71,902 | 66,923 | norseal-omniauth | Norseal Client Omniauth. |
4 | 129,295 | 43,406 | simple_grid_rails | This gem bundles http://simplegrid.io into the Rails asset pipeline. |
5 | 152,112 | 66,923 | logar | Find the overall dB rating for acoustic resistance and sound proofing properties your d... |
6 | 163,845 | 66,923 | tuffnells_api | This Rubygem handles tuffnells access and converts XML to JSON. |