1 | 4,669 | 8,806 | webdriver-user-agent | A helper gem to emulate populate device user agents and resolutions when using webdriver |
2 | 7,360 | 11,647 | watir-screenshot-stitch | Extends Watir to take stitched-together screenshots of full web pages. |
3 | 12,884 | 8,917 | adomain | Simple, uncomplicated, schemed domain parsing using Addressable |
4 | 27,689 | 22,984 | MYSQLSafe | Connect to MYSQL more easily |
5 | 36,414 | 30,732 | arachnid2 | A simple, fast web crawler |
6 | 104,136 | 57,505 | whoisxmlapi2 | An open source WhoisXMLAPI interface |
7 | 172,434 | 57,505 | fxer | Convert currency based on external sources' rates |