1 | 6,634 | 9,602 | acfs | API Client For Services |
2 | 7,930 | 7,001 | msgr | Msgr: Rails-like Messaging Framework |
3 | 8,193 | 9,531 | telegraf | Metric Reporter to local telegraf agent |
4 | 11,422 | 11,562 | uuid4 | A UUIDv4 support library |
5 | 19,289 | 16,296 | gurke | An alternative gherkin feature runner inspired by rspec and turnip. |
6 | 19,748 | 59,086 | cany | Canning your ruby applications |
7 | 23,432 | 5,619 | rake-release | Configurable fork of bundlers release tasks. |
8 | 33,953 | 59,086 | multi_process | Handle multiple child processes. |
9 | 51,361 | 24,889 | deb_control | Helpers to read debian control files |
10 | 52,280 | 17,570 | rubypath | Path library incorporating File, Dir, Pathname, IO methods as well as a virtual mock fi... |