Aggie_bsw's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,79918,158opal-rspecOpal compatible RSpec library
220,34863,432ansible-rubyCreates a Ruby DSL that compiles .rb files to Ansible YML on a file by file basis
388,72825,458rakedotnetProvides MSBuild, NUnit, BCP, SqlCmd, MsTest, MinifyJS, jstest tasks for Rake build files
496,88763,432opal-builderOpal compatible builder library
5116,51363,432opal-rspec-formatterAllows controlling what formatter the opal-rspec Rake task uses, includes JUnit and Tea...
6118,94463,432spring-commands-opal-rspecAllows the opal-rspec Rake task to run faster by keeping the PhantomJS process running ...
7127,58241,916react-opalWrite reactive UI component with Ruby's elegancy and compiled to run in Javascript.
8142,68863,432bsw_dnet_install_utilSee summary
9151,56463,432opal-require-depAdds an Opal synonym for require_dependency (to require) to play nice with Rails autolo...
10157,71863,432opal-factory_girlMakes necessary patches to FactoryGirl such that it runs on Opal, with some limitations