Thekidcoder's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,0834,694haml_coffee_assetsCompile Haml CoffeeScript templates in the Rails asset pipeline.
25,6708,885Dutchie-StyleRubocop Settings for all dutchie Ruby Apps
36,79912,901secrets-managerRuby AWS Secrets Manager interface. Allows for env specific secrets, in-memory caching ...
435,103132,035gauzeUsing scopes on a model that only need to accessed in a controller seems like a leakage...
544,27837,537advisors_command_clientRuby Client for integrating with Advisors Command CRM
662,672132,035lexis_nexis_instant_authenticateRuby interface for using LexisNexis Instant Authenticate.
789,99137,537structifierOpenStruct-ify your instance methods.
890,214132,035duo-authThis is a minimal gem that will provide the ability to sign & verify a duo request....
9158,55437,537castle-keepSimplified version of the castle-rb gem. Minimized dependencies for maximum compatibility.