Bodrovis's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,8873,669angular_rails_csrfAngularJS style CSRF protection for Rails
23,1935,607jquery-slick-railsIntegrates Slick carousel, a jQuery plugin by Ken Wheeler, into your Rails app. THIS GE...
33,8582,348faraday-gzipFaraday plugin to automatically set compression headers (GZip, Deflate, Brotli) and dec...
44,6105,504ruby-lokalise-apiOpinionated Ruby client for the Lokalise platform API allowing to work with translation...
56,1036,882lokalise_railsThis gem allows to exchange translation files between your Rails app and Lokalise TMS.
69,5737,075lokalise_managerThis gem contains a collection of some common tasks for Lokalise. Specifically, it allo...
721,83822,267jscrollpane-railsA ruby gem that uses the Rails asset pipeline to include the jScrollPane plugin by Kelv...
827,78220,236lessons_indexerLessons Indexer for Learnable. Build index, adds headings, generates PDFs from Markdown...
946,15629,930messages_dictionaryThis gem allows you to store some text in a simple-key value format and fetch it whenev...
1046,33341,979jquery-radiantscroller-railsA ruby gem that uses the Rails asset pipeline to include the Radiant Scroller plugin by...
1149,99960,424mwheelintent-railsA ruby gem that uses the Rails asset pipeline to include the jQuery MouseWheel Intent p...
1262,01070,697instagramjs-railsA ruby gem that uses the Rails asset pipeline to include the Instagram.js plugin by Gio...
1385,29260,424ok_linkerRuby gem for Odnoklassniki's URL shortening service
1495,24760,424chgk_ratingOpinionated Ruby client for the competitive What? Where? When? rating WebAPI (
15122,26838,031rating-chgk-v2Ruby client for the new CHGK rating API (
16157,605136,377mixitup-railsIntegrates MixItUp, a library for animated filtering, sorting, insertion, removal, and ...
17173,691105,358omniauth-lokaliseOfficial Omniauth (OAuth 2) strategy for Lokalise TMS
18175,964136,377fun_translationsThis is a Ruby client that enables you to easily perform translations using FunTranslat...