Javy_liu's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
124,15330,732epub_bookcreate epub from a book index url and mail to you. by setting a default_setting.yml you...
263,90057,505javy_toolpack some used methods
374,57457,505dalli_captchagenerate captcha by dalli,use the memcache
480,08030,732weichat_railsused for more than one public wechat account,base on the mysql,~> rails 3.2.16
580,56157,505role_makingA gem for resource manage based on role
6149,47057,505javy_foodieTest again to create rubygems width bundle.
7157,28557,505omniauth-wxUsing OAuth2 to authenticate wechat user when web resources being viewed within wechat(...
8157,76930,732rails_editor_liurails_kindeditor will helps your rails app integrate with kindeditor, including images ...