Spickermann's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,36613,549double_entryTools to build your double entry financial ledger
245,23327,962zaikio-loomThe Zaikio Loom Ruby Gem simplifies publishing events on the Zaikio Loom event system.
347,36532,169has_configurationLoads configuration setting from a yml file and adds a configuation method to class...
454,41360,424firmenwissenRuby client for the FirmenWissen API
564,82338,031order_optimizerHelps to optimize orders if the goods are offered in different pack sizes and in differ...
668,41026,305deep_hash_transformerDeepHashTransformer helps to transform keys in deeply nested hash structures
7110,49084,840permanent_not_foundTiny little Rack middleware to answer a configured set of path's with a HTTP 404.
8167,155168,370periodGem that helps defining period of time.
9145,88152,287timetableWrite a longer description or delete this line.
10149,07387,014vatA gem to validate VAT numbers and to return information extracted from it
11151,38587,014rails-i18n-collectionWrite a longer description or delete this line.
12176,782131,465my_memoryRuby client for the MyMemory API