Guyisra's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,5824,911geocomplete_railsWrapper for geocomplete.js - a jQuery Geocoding and Places Autocomplete Plugin
27,6418,781slick_railsSimple. Carousel. Slick.
312,5238,168imagesLoaded_railsimagesLoaded.js Wrapper for Rails 3.1+ Asset Pipeline
423,67661,626vitalsFlexible StatsD instrumentation for Rails, Rack, Grape and more
546,74980,049transit_railsAn asset-pipeline wrapper for jquery.transit.js
648,61646,897pacejs_railspace.js for Rails 3.1 and above - Automatic web page progress bar
751,20423,147autumn_railsI couldn't find an easy and convinient way to attach maps to DOM elements with leaflet....
852,74546,897annyang_railsQuickly add speech recognition to your Rails 3.1+ app via asset pipeline!
955,49480,049fitvidsjs_railsWrapper for FitVids.js - Embedding a video resposively
1058,72561,626fittextjs_railsFittext.js as a gem for Rails 3.1+,4
1165,10728,088bigtextjs_railsThis is an asset pipeline wrapper for the awesome bigtext.js
1274,63461,626scrollToFixed_railsAn asset pipeline compatible wrapper for scrollToFixed.js
1395,23680,049jquery_mousewheel_railsRails asset-pipeline compatible gem wrapper for jQuery-Mousewheel.js
1498,23739,736antiscroll_railscreating OS X Lion type scrollbars - Antiscroll, for Rails!
15101,65480,049hammerjs_railsA Ruby gem allowing to you hammer away on all your touch device needs via hammer.js. Su...
16131,48980,049caroufredsel_railseasily incorporate the amazing CarouFredSel into Rails 3.1+ projects
17139,65080,049grandejs_railsGrande.js For Rails 3.1+
18142,32780,049laddajs_railsLadda. Rails. Assetpipeline. Gem. Maintained.
19144,486163,113readmorejs_railsReadmore.js for Rails 3.1+