1 | 13,142 | 117,678 | mutx | Exposes executions easily |
2 | 24,394 | 22,633 | dater | This gem aims to help you with dates treatment, specially in regression test where you ... |
3 | 34,540 | 58,846 | kaya | You can run your cucumber suites easily, save and see the execution results |
4 | 73,626 | 58,846 | empty_cucumber | When you need to start a new Cucumber project, just type a command |
5 | 108,951 | 117,678 | inrules | A way to get data from json files |
6 | 113,006 | 58,846 | clipar | Easy way to pass arguments over command line and get them from your code |
7 | 163,197 | 97,080 | noch | Notify alerts when status change |