Hsume2's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
144,59063,432hsume2-akaManage Shell Keyboard Shortcuts
247,57363,432in_jsonJSON serialization for Rails. Straight-forward attributes. Only serialize what you want...
348,35163,432hsume2-state_machineAdds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class
451,37963,432hsume2-localtunnelinstant public tunnel to your local web server
560,23663,432sofaA simple Ruby library for the TVRage API.
666,66163,432hsume2-hirbHirb provides a mini view framework for console applications and uses it to improve rip...
781,21741,916cap-taffyCapistrano recipes for deploying databases and other common tasks.
8107,12563,432hsume2-browserify-railsBrowserify + Rails = CommonJS Heaven
9122,93563,432j-walkerA way to run JavaScript based on Rails controller actions. This gives you the freedom t...
10127,23641,916roseA slick Ruby DSL for reporting.
11129,32563,432ship_meJust ship me. No fuss FedEx integration for Ruby