1 | 44,798 | 30,732 | hsume2-aka | Manage Shell Keyboard Shortcuts |
2 | 47,908 | 57,505 | in_json | JSON serialization for Rails. Straight-forward attributes. Only serialize what you want... |
3 | 48,680 | 57,505 | hsume2-state_machine | Adds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class |
4 | 51,634 | 57,505 | hsume2-localtunnel | instant public tunnel to your local web server |
5 | 60,566 | 57,505 | sofa | A simple Ruby library for the TVRage API. |
6 | 67,012 | 30,732 | hsume2-hirb | Hirb provides a mini view framework for console applications and uses it to improve rip... |
7 | 81,657 | 57,505 | cap-taffy | Capistrano recipes for deploying databases and other common tasks. |
8 | 107,463 | 57,505 | hsume2-browserify-rails | Browserify + Rails = CommonJS Heaven |
9 | 123,481 | 57,505 | j-walker | A way to run JavaScript based on Rails controller actions. This gives you the freedom t... |
10 | 127,792 | 30,732 | rose | A slick Ruby DSL for reporting. |
11 | 129,901 | 30,732 | ship_me | Just ship me. No fuss FedEx integration for Ruby |