1 | 5,354 | 3,652 | mediawiki_api | Uses adapter-agnostic Faraday gem to talk to MediaWiki API. |
2 | 33,331 | 36,605 | dhole | ActiveRecord mapping of main Mediawiki entities and relationships |
3 | 37,034 | 36,605 | hebrew | Some useful code to identify, transcode, and manipulate Hebrew text |
4 | 38,753 | 24,029 | gared | A set of scrapers for bibliographic records of Hebrew titles |
5 | 147,519 | 97,699 | qlabel-rails | A wrapper for jquery qLabel plugin |
6 | 170,779 | 97,699 | project-honeypot2 | Project-Honeypot provides a programatic interface to the Project Honeypot services. It ... |