Schadenfred's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,39411,456faker-stokedThis is an extension of the faker gem, allowing stoked bros and brodies to effortlessly...
223,55335,677handsome_fencer-circle_c_iObfuscate sensitive data in source control, expose it again for circle and then deploy
324,92010,775roroRoro is a containerization and continuous integration framework for Ruby on Rails appli...
466,36735,677handsome_fencer-cryptoUsed by HFCI.
568,37535,677handsomefencer-environmentObfuscate your environemnt files in development, push to source control, then expose th...
670,40559,086faker-bloocherBoontling is a jargon spoken only in Boonville in Northern California provide. To "blo...
785,21359,086handsome_fencer-testOpinionated Rails testing suite. Specifies necessary gems as dependencies and allow...
898,58259,086monsantoSimilar to Seedbank, but with automatic dependency sorting and, as of now, no tests. Yo...
9106,97835,677bloggableAdd a blog to orgs or users or whatever
10114,63459,086handsome_fencer_testengine for common adminstration cases.
11140,21359,086buttaflyUpload a spreadsheet, map its headers to your columns, and create database objects with...
12160,67659,086galleriableRails engine that allows you to add photos, and galleries of photos, to galleriable mod...
13165,21859,086newspeakieNewspeak is the language of Oceania, a fictional totalitarian state ruled by the Party,...