1 | 15,989 | 24,223 | weixin_authorize | weixin api authorize access_token |
2 | 26,016 | 29,289 | weixin_rails_middleware | weixin_rails_middleware for integration weixin develop |
3 | 60,101 | 66,011 | api4baidu | ruby gem for baidu apis, get user infos and PCS function |
4 | 92,624 | 107,996 | qy_wechat | Ruby on Rails 微信企业版本,应答API集成 |
5 | 108,866 | 107,996 | twitter_ratchet_rails | twitter_ratchet_rails Build mobile apps with simple HTML, CSS, and JS components on Rub... |
6 | 141,766 | 49,384 | jpush_ruby_sdk | provide a ruby api gem for jpush https://www.jpush.cn |
7 | 144,389 | 107,996 | sort_collections | To sort a array that the element is `Hash` |
8 | 145,017 | 107,996 | omniauth_neteasy_oauth2 | omniauth oauth2 for neteasy |
9 | 156,586 | 107,996 | wx_pay_api | An unofficial simple wechat pay gem |
10 | 161,172 | 107,996 | qy_wechat_api | 企业微信高级API Ruby版本 |