Lundalogik's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,15824,968globalphoneGlobalPhone parses, validates, and formats local and international phone numbers accord...
213,96335,920fruit_to_limeWith this small library it should be much easier to generate import file to Lime Go.
316,34535,920go_importgo-import is an import tool for LIME Go. It can take virtually any input source and cre...
435,62353,556move-to-gomove-to-go is an migration tool for Lime Go. It can take virtually any input source and...
572,04186,038elasticelmahAn appender for log4r that appends to elastic search
687,23886,038visual_studio_filesThis library is intended to help when manipulating such things as the files included in...
792,39386,038globalphone_dbgenProvides a global_phone_dbgen command to generate databases for the GlobalPhone library.