Ttanimichi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,19841,916number_to_yenFormats a number into a Japanese Yen string (e.g., 12万3,456円).
239,53263,432bigquery-clientA Ruby interface to the BigQuery API.
345,24063,432aozoraLipsum generator for Japanese
453,06018,158saikoroRandom String generator
5143,55363,432yo4rA Ruby interface to the Yo API.
7154,16663,432mapp[[1,2], [3,4]].mapp {|i| i.to_s }
8157,67141,916require_recursiverequire all files in a directory recursively.
9166,36563,432transactionalDeclarative transaction management for Ruby on Rails