Fteem's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
147,22786,038ghitGhit is a gem that adds more git commands for a better command line Git(hub) experience.
253,86424,968marverMarver is a gem that provides a wrapper to Marvel's API
357,39086,038forecastrSimple gem to use with openweathermap.org API
4104,11386,038route_tractorA simple route spec generator
5106,32342,025hackernews_apiEasily fetch data from HN's API.
6144,58553,556isitfreeThis is a silly gem that is used to check if a gem name is free on rubygems.org
7146,24953,556ghstatusGet GitHub's status via the command line. Or use it in an app.
8146,86153,556hckrBrowse Hackernews via CLI. Or get some JSON love.
9150,28453,556marktmlMarkdown to HTML converter
10151,90486,038shortenizerEasily shortnen links with your Rails application.
11155,96686,038freakonomicsFreakonomics is a CLI app built with Ruby. It's purpose is to download episodes of Frea...
12157,54186,038minitest-pasteminitest/paste is a Minitest plugin which collects any test f...
13157,90286,038takenRubygems extension which checks if a gem name is taken
14158,34686,038minitest-metzMinitest::Metz is a Minitest plugin that under it's hood hide...
15162,83986,038douglasDouglas adds stamps to any ActiveRecord model, like {created,updated}_by