Petercamilleri's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,76516,623full_dupA (safe/no exceptions) dup variant that performs a deep, recursive copy.
216,22646,897myshmysh -- a Ruby inspired command shell for CLI and application use.
316,38780,049mini_readlinemini_readline: A compact, little gem for console command entry with line edit and histo...
421,02361,626fibonacci_rngA Fibonacci inspired pseudo random number generator with error detection.
522,21980,049format_engineA meta-engine for creating string formatters and parsers like the strftime and strptime...
630,95780,049vlsA CLI and Rails console utility that lists the versions of modules used by the specifie...
732,43061,626fOOrthAn Object Oriented FORTHesque language gem.
834,68880,049full_cloneA (safe/no exceptions) clone variant that performs a deep, recursive copy.
939,16061,626in_arrayEncapsulate data in an array unless it's already in one.
1039,77080,049ruby_sscanfA formatted string data parser for Ruby
1141,10880,049safe_cloneA safer version of the clone method that avoids unnecessary exceptions.
1243,16980,049safe_dupA safer version of the dup method that avoids unnecessary exceptions.
1346,37780,049option_list[Deprecated] Flexible, Easy Function Parameters with Validation.
1447,47780,049flex_arrayA flexible, multidimensional array class for Ruby.
1550,46921,198composite_rngA composable random number generator.
1656,95880,049lexical_analyzerThe RCTP configurable lexical analyser.
1759,51680,049mystikoAn example of a simple data security system.
1864,96980,049make_gemA script to construct a gem skeleton in the manner desirable to me.
1966,57461,626minitest_visibleSlightly more visible progress for mini-test.
2067,72730,826fully_freezeA deep, recursive freeze and freeze tester.
2170,86880,049pause_outputpause_output: A simple facility to pause output on the console terminal.
2280,36680,049parse_queueThe RCTP object queue for moving compiler tokens with nestable backtrack capability.
2387,518163,113insouciantinsouciant: Run code and not worry about exceptions or errors.
2487,75380,049mini_termA portable encapsulation of the console terminal. Supports Linux, Mac, Windows, and Cyg...
2588,74880,049mini_erbA simplified, streamlined, pure ruby replacement for erb.
2696,45880,049format_outputFormatted bullet points, columns, or word wrap to the console or strings.
2797,48928,088counted_cacheA cache for read mostly data with a high cost of retrieval.
28100,27321,198connect_n_gameThe Captain's Mistress Game Generalized for 4 to 8 pieces.
29118,11761,626test65A testing framework for work on the Commander X 16.