Tjarratt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1364660noriXML to Hash translator
2372695gyokuGyoku translates Ruby Hashes to XML
3426879httpiCommon interface for Ruby's HTTP libraries
4467906wasabiA simple WSDL parser
5480888akamiBuilding Web Service Security
6499901savonHeavy metal SOAP client
77,2046,801savon-multipartAdds multipart support (SOAP with Attachments) to Savon
88,3588,630soap2rAn implementation of SOAP 1.1 for Ruby.
920,82141,086sekkenSekken is an experimental SOAP client for the Ruby community.
1078,05661,367turtleshellruby bindings for librtlsdr -- realtek USB software defined radio devices