Th7's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
132,49486,038when-doQueues jobs when you want.
241,84586,038simple_migrationsSQL only migrations
368,52542,025table_copyMove full Postgres tables between databases.
468,77486,038srcEasily cut and merge release branches.
577,00386,038when-cronA basic cron implementation.
692,05853,556redis_open3Use Open3 like sematics to pass data through Redis.
7104,96486,038dbqDurable queues which commit with database transactions.
8108,07286,038capistrano-rundlerTriggers the rundle command during deploy
9108,53186,038ruby-aiWrite AI code for this simple game.
10137,94586,038change_managementActiveRecord helpers for managing changing data
11138,23586,038exception_mailerSimple email notification of uncaught exceptions
12144,93986,038conf_encryptEncrypt and commit configs
13151,88286,038rundlerExtremely basic installation of R packages
14160,56386,038pg_snippetsA collection of Postgres data definition SQL builders