Odcinek's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,2813,169foodcriticA code linting tool for Chef Infra cookbooks.
227,6918,758taste_testerUtility for testing Chef changes using chef-zero
329,77115,342between_mealsLibrary for calculating Chef differences between revisions
445,27129,512grocery_deliveryUtility for keeping Chef servers in sync with a repo
582,24729,512malloryMan-in-the-middle http/https transparent http (CONNECT) proxy over bunch of (unreliable...
6141,11551,220fb_chef_utilsWrite a gem description
7143,68751,220neckbeerdLocal system problem finder
8145,22329,512tnetennbaGood morning, that's a nice tnetennba
10149,40751,220ramsayWrite a gem description
12154,46051,220musicassetteWrite a longer description or delete this line.