1 | 21,540 | 66,923 | activeadmin_tinymce | This is a wysiwyg html editor for the Active Admin interface using TinyMCE. Editor supp... |
2 | 44,920 | 66,923 | nginx-config | Generate unicorn vhost for nginx |
3 | 50,177 | 66,923 | ordinary_cms | Description of OrdinaryCms. |
4 | 57,921 | 43,406 | mongoid_acts_as_page | Acts as page for mongoid models |
5 | 59,692 | 66,923 | activeadmin_images | Active Admin plugin for generate the model of image |
6 | 94,998 | 66,923 | unicorn_service | Capistrano plugin that provide opportunity to create unicorn service for autostart unicorn |
7 | 144,605 | 66,923 | process_chain | Simple railway programming implementation for Ruby. To allow describe business logic in... |