Zeisler's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,06917,200active_mockerCreates stub classes from any ActiveRecord model. By using stubs in your tests you don'...
217,11215,664roryAn exercise: Untangle the collusion of Rails idioms from my Ruby knowledge, while tryin...
318,91822,984markdown_ruby_documentationDocumentation DSL that provides method level comments and links or imports to other com...
422,47113,822dissociated_introspectionIntrospect methods, parameters, class macros, and constants without loading a parent cl...
526,43457,505active_record_schema_scrapperA supporting library for active_mocker and wrapper around an active_record model.
627,65230,732thread-inheritable_attributesPasses thread variables to child spawned threads. Main use case is enabling logging in ...
738,32322,984rf_loggerA logger that allows specification of severity, applicable entity/records, metadata, an...
842,33657,505reverse_parametersRecreate ruby method signatures using ruby's method to Proc creation #method(:method_na...
959,60357,505active_enumerableProvides ActiveRecord like query methods for use in Ruby Enumerable collections. Use Ha...
1063,51030,732visualize_rubyTurn Ruby code into flow charts
1165,12257,505attr_permitSimple parametable object creator with lazy loading options. Objects can be hashable an...
1285,93557,505active_hash_extThis is an extension module to ActiveHash
1388,63557,505voice_chaptersUsing the Mac system text-to-speech Voice Chapters will create an audio file ...
1489,73919,502schema_readerReads Rails Database schema and creates a class from selected table with getters and se...
1592,55557,505paper_trail-related_changesFind all child ActiveRecord relationships from a given resource and groups thems by req...
16113,87057,505polynomial_rubyForked from https://github.com/pewniak747/polynomial-ruby and made into a gem.
17133,27757,505pr_summarySumarize a pull request seperate by types of file and link to with the ability to comme...
18143,05057,505csv_loaderLoad Csv files into ActiveRecord Models with simple query selection. Queries like limit...