Razokulover's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
161,60143,933snacknomamaGenerate snacknomama life by random
267,79656,740xvideos_helperxvideos_helper is a gem to support for adult site creater.
385,37666,732hanzawa"Hanzawa Naoki" joke module
492,16735,906lbd_sdkLINE Blockchain Developer SDK for Ruby. This SDK is not official LINE SDK.
598,34080,608gifmagazineGifmagazine API v1 client library written in Ruby.
6102,75780,608renchinRenchin is a convinient cli wrapper library to convert movie to image/movie/gif or conv...
7128,73166,732livedoor_blog_atom_pubclient library for livedoor blog atom pub api
8153,173101,206bq_queryBigquery client for only executing query
9179,943138,048weighted_randProvides a method to select a element by weighted randomization from a hash with weights.