Mmmmmrob's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,8107,929meducation_sdkMeducation's SDK
218,31361,367inquisitioA Ruby Gem that wraps search for CloudSearch
325,76561,367commendoA Jaccard-similarity recommender using Redis sets or MySQL
427,64114,600mesh-medical-subject-headingsA ruby gem containing MeSH subject headings ( for use in ...
533,20861,367filumLogging framework storing context id in thread local
642,99261,367clarifierClarifier is a stopwords library for removing common words from text
7107,11261,367udp2sqs_clientClient for the udp2sqs-server.
8135,00033,893BNFBNF maps out the content of the BNF and BNFC as published by NHS in the UK (https://www...
9142,82861,367udp2sqs_serverSimple UDP server. Posts UDP payloads to a configured AWS SQS queue.
10145,23961,367wordlelikeA small gem for drawing wordle style word clouds