Sharshenov's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,8662,378activejob-uniquenessEnsure uniqueness of your ActiveJob jobs
27,3886,150sweetalert-railsThis gem provides SweerAlert for your Rails application.
318,3939,841advanced-sneakers-activejobAdvanced Sneakers adapter for ActiveJob
418,8049,610bunny-publisherAMQP publisher for RabbitMQ based on Bunny
558,32926,609jreject-railsThis gem provides JReject for your Rails application.
659,52053,556mini_magick_clipClipping images with minimagick & mask file
762,64553,556api2cart-rubyRuby client for API2Cart with proxy support
869,76553, API client
985,35342,025sentry-raven-processorsAdditional processors for Sentry Raven
1087,33986,038bithexStore hex strings as bit strings in PostgreSQL
1188,27086,038capistrano-hutchHutch integration for Capistrano 3.1
1297,76186,038exchange-nbkrNational Bank of Kyrgyzstan API adapter for exchange gem
13101,24286,038rareRPM limiter
14102,73031,663sneakers-lacesSubscribe your Sneakers workers to dynamically added/removed queues without process res...
15109,73486,038nothsSwagger client for
16112,67386,038forever-aloneThis gem uses Redis to keep a list of recent text messages. ForeverAlone calculates hex...
17163,21886,038rspec-seoSEO spec helpers for Rspec