Tisannai's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,52716,860comoComo provides low manifest command line option parsing and deployment. The command line...
242,50389,538diruDiru is a Change Directory (cd) utility for augmenting Unix Shell functionality. Diru m...
353,37189,538dirtravelDirTravel provides content of filesystem directories by recursively travelling the dire...
463,17289,538mucglyMucgly is a macro expander for inline macros that exist in the middle of body text. Muc...
568,68889,538rubuRubu (Re-Usable Build Utility) is a library for building programs. Rubu is in practice ...
673,67889,538rupatRupat is a Ruby Patching utility. It can be used to patch files or for extracting infor...
777,10589,538notifyhubNotifyHub is a callback facility. NotifyHub is used by the informer to notify clients a...
877,81335,144unicacheUniCache is a universal purpose cache with Least Recently Used replacement policy by de...
989,12835,144crunCrun is an utility for compiling and running C-programs straight from C source files. C...
10101,64789,538patmanPatman (Patch Manipulator) is a library for text file patching.
11109,08158,808rumoduleRumodule is used to manage shell environment variables by adding/removing modules. By a...
12120,40989,538numeric_mathNumericMath extends the Numeric class with methods from Math module. The purpose is to ...
13144,88547,536xjsonXjson is extension to JSON format.
14160,51589,538filestrFileStr is a library that augments String objects with File, Dir, and FileUtils capabil...
15166,73289,538qunaQuna is a library for making it simple to query interactively answers from users.