Schorsch's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,4796,052json_schema_toolsWant to create or read a JSON Schema powered API? This toolset provides methods to read...
210,02112,699sk_api_schemaThe SalesKing JSON Schema describes our business API in terms of available objects, the...
310,97818,551king_dtausDTA/DTAUS and DTAZV are text-based formats to create bank transfers for german banks. T...
418,51313,526sk_sdkConnect your business with SalesKing. This gem gives ruby developers a jump-start for b...
525,16949,619king_viewsClean up your Forms using king_form for dl or labeled forms. Use king_list for an easy ...
634,97349,619sk-apiInteract with SalesKing
743,94649,619happypdf_json_schemahappyPDF JSON Schema describes our PDF API in terms of available objects, their fields ...
844,59966,440sk_calcCalculate document and line item totals. This moule is used inside SalesKIng and outsou...
945,26566,440king_soaCreating a SOA requires a centralized location to define all services within the SOA. K...
1045,37266,440json_schema_builderThe first step to a clean and simple API is a unified API description in form of a shar...
1145,72066,440king_placeholderPlaceholder Parsing in Strings
1247,652108,739sk-hothCreating a SOA requires a centralized location to define all services within the SOA. F...
1349,859108,739king_tokensTokens are a usefull way to give users access to an application. This can be for a limi...
1477,291108,739doctag_json_schemaThis is the formal description of the docTag document exchange format. With docTag we(s...
1590,152108,739king_hmacA Ruby Gem for authenticating HTTP requests using a HMAC
16131,76466,440doctagDocTag Ruby library
17155,43149,619json_schema_validatorUses three different ruby schema gems to be as precise as possible