Milesmatthias's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
139,19927,290name_abbrAbbreviate full names like John D.
242,016112,197synapse_clientA ruby client for the API. Read SynapsePay API documentation at dev.syna...
369,39251,018drebsdrebs: Disaster Recovery for Elastic Block Store. An AWS EBS backup script.
484,37560,165facebook-leadsInteract with Facebook's lead gen ads, mainly downloading a CSV of leads from a lead ge...
5112,965112,197urban_dictA Ruby client for the JSON API.
6124,385112,197testflight_uploadA simple Testflight uploader for when you already have everything built and archived.
7140,26268,120cdddnContent Delivery & Device Detection Network (CDDDN) is a rails engine that provides...