1 | 58,518 | 94,020 | interloper | Interloper adds before and after hooks to methods on plain old ruby objects. |
2 | 86,592 | 52,145 | pbcore | Data models for parsing PBCore XML, manipulating PBCore metadata in Ruby, and factories... |
3 | 92,037 | 52,145 | functional_hash | Easily set hash values to be functions of other values in the same hash. |
4 | 121,938 | 74,615 | sony_ci_api | Wrapper for the Sony Ci API (http://developers.cimediacloud.com/) |
5 | 155,237 | 94,020 | path_to | Simple class to handle conditional logic of looking for a file in multiple paths. |
6 | 164,353 | 131,601 | hyrax-preservation | Hyrax Preservation provides models for storing and searching for preservation metadata. |
7 | 166,319 | 131,601 | hyrax-ingest | Description of Hyrax::Ingest. |