1 | 2,938 | 1,961 | mobility | Stores and retrieves localized data through attributes on a Ruby class, with flexible s... |
2 | 7,850 | 5,340 | friendly_id-mobility | Translate your FriendlyId slugs with Mobility. |
3 | 8,985 | 4,039 | mobility-ransack | Search attributes translated by Mobility with Ransack. |
4 | 56,676 | 37,465 | method_found | Gem to intercept method_missing calls and do something useful. |
5 | 69,979 | 44,005 | invisible | Override methods while maintaining their original visibility. |
6 | 72,068 | 44,005 | wharel | Use arel predicates directly from where. |
7 | 99,373 | 47,929 | i18n_accessors | Define locale-specific attribute accessors. |
8 | 110,391 | 31,170 | im | Im is a thread-safe code loader for anonymous-rooted namespaces. |
9 | 114,981 | 71,169 | respond_to_faster | Patches ActiveRecord to make models returned from custom queries respond much faster. |
10 | 161,650 | 107,887 | xe_currency | Access XE currency rate data. |
11 | 172,515 | 107,887 | translates | Minimal implementation of backend/plugin-based translation framework. |
12 | 175,178 | 84,493 | michie | Michie allows you to memoize methods simply by defining them in a block. |