Frapposelli's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
126,24151,220vagrant-vcloudEnables Vagrant to manage machines with VMware vCloud Director®.
226,39851,220vagrant-guests-photonEnables Vagrant to manage VMware Photon machines.
342,38229,512vagrant-vcenterEnables Vagrant to manage machines with VMware vCenter®.
470,96651,220vagrant-vmware-appcatalystEnables Vagrant to manage machines with VMware AppCatalyst®.
580,29751,220vagrant-vcloudairEnables Vagrant to manage machines with VMware vCloud® Air™.
699,43529,512vagrant-rbvmomiRuby interface to the VMware vSphere API - Vagrant edition
7101,04251,220mkghrepomkghrepo is a tool to facilitate mass repository creation